10 Things I'd Tell My 19-Year-Old Worship Leading Self

1. Don’t strive.

You don't need to. You are loved by the Father, Christ has finished the work on the cross, and now you also have the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the great worship leader... so get to know Him. Let Him fill your being. Listen to His promptings.

Striving to make people worship, or make a career happen is futile... a waste of energy. Instead, enjoy God and all He has given you.

2. Don’t chase the dream.

Instead, serve the context.

Your dreams will unfold as you serve the context you are in and fulfil the work in your hands.

3. Enjoy the season you’re in.

Seasons roll.

So will the opportunities and contexts.

You'll have a lot, then you'll have a little. Then you'll have a lot again.

God is in it all.

You can be fruitful in every season - whether you know or feel it.

So... enjoy the season you are in - it has its own beauty, joy and lessons - don’t miss it! It’ll be gone in a minute.

4. Don’t lose the wonder.

Entitlement is a killer. The worshipping heart goes stone-cold when entitlement rules.

Stand in wonder at God’s generosity Stay surprised at the opportunities

Be overwhelmed by His goodness Be in awe of creation

Be expectant (what is God going to do?)

But not entitled (why didn’t I get that? I deserve that...)

I Love You young one!

5. Give it everything you’ve got.

Just pour yourself out... give it Your whole heart, your absolute best. It’s never a waste to worship God with your WHOLE life.

6. Develop your identity in Christ.

This is done one daily discipline at a time... over the course of your entire lifetime.

7. There’s no one else quite like you on the planet.

There literally isn’t.

You’re never going to be Avril Lavigne, and you’re never going to be Darlene Zschech. Don’t try to be anyone but yourself because you have something so unique and needed.

Care less about what people think, more about what God thinks. Authenticity is our great advantage! And the world needs more of it.

8. Create. Create. Create.

You were created to create. Just keep creating. Don’t overthink it... just enjoy the process.

9. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.

You’re going to make so many mistakes. Be quick to say sorry, learn to listen to feedback, develop a repentant heart! God’s got you.

But remember... take calculated risks to create new things! You are a creative, a leader... you are a risk-taker.

10. You are called.

You are called by God, for His purposes. When you doubt it, remember it. Honour the calling. Serve God and His church with your life. Love the people He has given you. You are called to worship.

And remember, lovely and feisty young lady... you need to focus on the long game, on finishing the race... keep your eyes fixed on the prize - Jesus.


Preparing To Worship